Saturday, January 03, 2009

Location, Location, Location

Here we are at the 3rd day of 2009 and I am up to my knees in papers, files, post-it notes etc, trying to make sense of 2008, well really, if I were more honest, I would admit that I am really avoiding going into the studio. It's a time-honoured tradition of mine, especially after I have had a break from painting. But I have had enough experience to know that I will eventually settle down enough to grab a brush and make a mark, and then another mark, and another mark and before I know it I will be off to the races. It makes me think of the saturday night bath that I had such aversion to as a child. Once I was in the hot water, I quite loved it. It was the getting undressed part that troubled me. I suppose painting is a lot like that.....getting undressed.