Years ago, one of my mentors, a Vancouver dealer, took me to the outskirts of the city to visit a painter in his studio. This fellow was very prolific, very professional, with a booming career. His work was courageous and cutting edge and filled with integrity.
And yes, he painted in a bedroom out there in his modest suburban bungalow.
I came across a great book a while back, Inside the Painter's Studio by Joe Fig. It's a series of interviews with, as you might have guessed, painters. This is Chuck Close:
"I can make art anywhere, any time....I mean, I know so many artists for whom having the perfect space is somehow essential. They spend years designing, building, outfitting the perfect space, and then when it is just about time to get to work, they'll sell that place and build another one. It seems more often than not, a way to keep from having to work. You know, once I have my back to the room, I could be anywhere. I could be in Sheila Norgate's bedroom."
OK, so I added that last bit. But really, I am so totally with Chuck on this one.