Friday, January 21, 2011

rose red

An artist I have never met called me the other day to say she was selling some acrylic paint and was I interested. I asked her what brand it was, and when she said Stevenson's I decided to go over. That's my brand and I'm sticking to it.

She had some colours I normally use and some I don't normally use. I try to keep to a fairly limited palette to start off with, and that way I can make things up as I go. I am a better painter because of this practice, at least as far as colour theory goes. Not that I have ever been asked at a dinner party, to name the analogous hue closest to yellow-green or explain the merits of the tetradic colour scheme.

But she had some of this one colour "rose red". There was something about it that grabbed me and I brought home all three jars.

The woman who sold me the paint is gravely ill. She is unable to walk. She is moving away to be closer to family. She will never paint again.

There was something about it that grabbed me.

1 comment:

  1. I hope she will find some small comfort in the joy you (and I ) will find from her legacy of paint! ....I must remember to try some rose red!!
